Pandemic Poem #57 / Homo Significans

I heard this term on a podcast and it intrigued me. Now I have a term for something I have always known - that humans are meaning makers, and that making meaning and communicating it to others is the essence of being human. Something that is so much hard to do from lockdown. Homo Significans … Continue reading Pandemic Poem #57 / Homo Significans

Pandemic Poem #56 / The Sound of Silence

An ode to being kid free, which is a rare delight during lockdown. The Sound of Silence can you hear it? the clock tick tock tick clockand my breath a bird, nestingnestling bird in the hedgeand my breath can you hear it? the sun beamsdreamy sun streaming in the dust motes dancingto the garfunkling soundof … Continue reading Pandemic Poem #56 / The Sound of Silence

Pandemic Poem #54 / The News Is Good

I’m in regional Victoria so we’ll be out of lockdown tomorrow. Unfortunately my body doesn’t know the difference between good changes and bad ones. The News Is Good my lungs are permanently inflatedand I’m ready to run staking out the high groundmeerkat movementsmy eyes playing dartsphone filling with silent alarmsklaxons resoundingI heard, I already heardI … Continue reading Pandemic Poem #54 / The News Is Good

Pandemic Poem #52 / Free Fall

Today, I feel fragile and have been using writing and art to calm me. This poem comes from how I described the panic attack to my mother. Last night at about 1am I had a panic attack. It’s not the first time I’ve experienced it, so I was able to recognise it and call for … Continue reading Pandemic Poem #52 / Free Fall

Pandemic Poem #50 / The Gambler

Ding Ding Ding! With entry into Lockdown 5, I've racked up 50 Pandemic Poems. It's not a prize I'm happy about winning. This poem has been bubbling in my brain and dancing across my notebook for a month or so. I wanted to capture the feeling of being a "gambler" when in a manipulative/abusive relationship, … Continue reading Pandemic Poem #50 / The Gambler

Pandemic Poem #49 / Just Mum

Lockdown number 4 for Victoria and I'm breathing new life into my Pandemic Poetry series, out of necessity more than anything else. It was always a series that was born out of catharsis and this lockdown has hit me particularly hard. Thank goodness for poetry. Just Mum The day-by-day invitational commentary play-by-play draws me away … Continue reading Pandemic Poem #49 / Just Mum

Pandemic Poems Published in Lockdown Anthology

Three pandemic poems have been published by Melbourne Writers Group in their annual anthology and you can buy a copy! This year the anthology is entitled Lockdown: Melbourne Writers' Group and Friends Respond to Isolation in 2020 and it features a collection of 25 short stories and poems by 18 Victorian writers responding to the … Continue reading Pandemic Poems Published in Lockdown Anthology