Site icon Megan J Riedl

Pandemic Poem #43 / Daylight Savings Time

My kids have always gotten up with the sun, me not so much. Without the imposition of a place of employment to get to, I admit our sleep schedules have been a bit all over the place lately. Tomorrow the kids 6am wake-ups will now be a more comfortable 7am as we turn our clocks one direction or another for Daylight Savings Time. Hopefully that will help.

Daylight Savings Time
I feel like I’ve been losing an hour every day for weeks now
My sleep an expanding universe
A dream-scape alternate dimension
Where I’m another person
But I’m still me
Stealing minutes of my waking life
To take me on adventures
Without ever leaving my bed
Piercing shards of light in my morning window
Announcing another long day shorter
The clocks change but that world still beats faster
Asleep I can surrender
To save or be saved

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